Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Can we deal with Pride? -yes , but how?

As we are being built into Christ there are dragons within us that must be taking away that the stones of truth and eternal virtues may be placed in their rightful positions within us.

That make me come to this question.
Are you aware that there is a battle Going on within us? The unlawful occupiers of the mind and body are waging war in order to retain their positions in us and also resist being displaced.

One of most subtle enemy in this battle is Pride

Pride comes through inaccurate definition of our self worth, inaccurate judgment and wrong placement of our achievements, inaccurate view of who we are before men and before God.

How do we know we still have the enemy called pride within us?

The following are *Pride* indicators:

Kindly watch-out for the following in your self pleas.

1)Not attributing your success or achievement to God genuinely.

2)Frequent expression of anger.

3)Feeling of embarrassment

4)Difficulty in accepting correction especially when it comes from someone you considered less privileged or junior to you

5)Talking about yourself and your achievement always (this may conflict with view of some motivational books, so be careful in selecting motivational books)

6)Not realistic or choosing not to talk about your failures, even when it will help others (this may conflict with view of some motivational books, so be careful in selecting motivational books)

7)Looking down on others

8)Always Criticizing others.

9)Looking down on yourself (This is because your mind count on your achievements and disregards the promises GOD)


Constant self judgment through the HolySpirit

Be open to assessment from someone that does not fear you but loves you

Constant repentance and seeking for God’ mercy and grace

— Demola Akinyemi and Solomon Balogun

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