Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Understand Character Development: The Transformation You Look Forward To

Developing strong character isn't a one-time event; it's a continuous journey of self-discovery and growth. Forget classrooms – character is forged in meditations, confessions, actions and the fires of real-life experiences. Imagine having a personal coach, someone who guides you to become like himself; that's the role God wants to play in your life.

Transforming Your Mind: The Secret Weapon for Character Development:

Just like an athlete wouldn't enter a competition without proper training, character development requires internal preparation. The Bible emphasizes the importance of renewing your mind through meditation on God's word (Romans 12:2). Think of it like downloading new software for your brain. As you spend time reading, reflecting on, and memorizing scripture, these principles become ingrained in your way of thinking. You may also look at it as planting seeds of scripture in your mind. As you spend time reading, reflecting on, and memorizing scripture, these principles become ingrained in your way of thinking, much like seeds grow into strong roots.

Here is how it works: 

Meditation:  Dedicating regular time to quietly contemplate scripture allows the message to sink deep into your subconscious.  Imagine yourself reflecting on a passage about patience (Ephesians 4:2).  As you ponder its meaning, the idea of remaining calm becomes more natural. 

Confession: The Bible encourages us to confess God's word (Joshua 1:8).  This doesn't involve reciting scripture to others, but rather internalizing it and declaring it as your truth.  When faced with anger, consciously remind yourself of verses promoting peace and self-control.

Action Despite Opposition: Knowledge without action is like having a gym membership but never exercising. The key is to put God's word into practice.  This means actively seeking opportunities to demonstrate the qualities you are cultivating.  After meditating on patience, look for situations where you can choose a calm response.


Putting It into Practice: From Meditation to Action

Here's how this internal work translates to real-life situations:

Temptation to Gossip: When faced with the urge to gossip about a coworker, recall verses about building others up instead of tearing them down (Proverbs 16:28). Meditation on these principles equips you to resist the temptation and choose a more positive course of action.

Developing Patience: Struggling with impatience? Meditating on verses about patience (James 1:4) allows you to internalize the concept. Confessing these verses as your truth strengthens your resolve to remain calm in challenging situations. Actively practicing patience, perhaps by taking deep breaths when feeling flustered, reinforces the new behavior.

Challenges you may face and how to overcome them.

Transforming your mind is a process, and there will be obstacles along the way. Here are some common challenges and how to overcome them: 

Finding Time: Dedicate even a short amount of time each day to scripture meditation. Start with five minutes and gradually increase as it becomes a habit.

Understanding Scripture: If certain passages are difficult to understand, don't hesitate to consult commentaries, online resources, or trusted spiritual leaders.

Discouragement: Remember, character development is a journey, not a destination. There will be setbacks, but don't give up. Persistence and a supportive community are key to overcoming challenges.

Remember, character development is a lifelong journey. There will be setbacks and moments of weakness, but with God's guidance, perseverance, and a supportive community, you can become who God want you to be. Embrace the challenges, learn from your mistakes, and celebrate your victories. This ongoing process of self-discovery and growth is what truly defines character development.

1 comment:

  1. I want to be able to build a character of purity. Say no to indulging offers
